Quick ROI Strategy

The strategies outlined here are suitable for most CHIMP Money investors, especially those new to the protocol. They allow for safe farming of non-volatile assets, and also allow for immediate return on investment (ROI).

Strategies will be outlined below in a rough order of easiest and safest, to slightly more advanced and a little more risk, but potentially with more upside.

Auto Compounding VS Manual Farm

You have two options with all of the CHIMP Money farming strategies. One of them gives you the power of compound interest and automatically growing the size of your position, while the other requires manually collecting rewards, but can be advantageous if you want to use those rewards for instant return on investment (ROI). Letā€™s break down both options:

Auto Compounding Vaults

Our auto compounding vaults can be found at and at various partner protocols which host vaults for our farms. The way these vaults work is that they will automatically compound at certain intervals (every two hours for our CHIMP farm vaults). This collects all farm rewards, and sells it, to grow your position. This happening every two hours allows you to continuously earn rewards on your ever growing position, giving you maximum benefits from compounding.

Profit taking is not quite as straight forward with this option, you would need to remove a portion of your position and sell it to take profits. This isnā€™t as difficult as it may sound, as our vaults have zap-in and zap-out functionality. Meaning, you can take your CHIMP-BANANA autovault position and withdraw it as the liquidity pool (LP) tokens themselves, as both individual assets, or take the entire position out as one asset (CHIMP or BANANA).

Manual Farms

Manual farms are very similar to auto vaults, except rewards need to be collected manually. If you are generally compounding rewards back into your position, the autovault would be a better option for you. The manual farm makes most sense when:

-You want to take profits immediately, you can sell the reward token you receive from the manual farm

-You want to collect SMOOTHIE to stake in the boardroom, to farm with, or just simply because you think they will appreciate in value and donā€™t want them autosold every 2 hours.

The manual farms donā€™t have the same convenient zap-in functionality as the auto-vaults, so you will need to manually create your LP position at PancakeSwap or ACSI depending which farm you are going for. Each farm has a link at the bottom of the page which directs you to the specific page to add liquidity to create your LP pair.

Strategy Guide

These strategies all involve utilizing one or more of our farms. Depending on your goals, risk tolerance, and investment.

We have three different core pairs, and corresponding farms + auto vaults. You can choose various different allocations of your funds to the different farms depending on risk tolerance and market outlook.

This strategy is what I recommend for most new users. It involves taking 100% of your investment and allocating it to our CHIMP-BANANA pair. This pair consists of 50% CHIMP (CHIMP money token) and 50% BANANA on BNB Smart Chain). It has low impermanent loss, is stable, and provides Banana peg token, for maximum Banana exposure. It pays incredibly well considering the safety and full Banana exposure offered.

This strategy works equally well with both the auto-compounding vaults and the manual farm.

Last updated